Here is a beautiful baby dress made in crochet pattern very cute, I’m extremely passionate about this charming dress, I’m sure my daughter will look very beautiful in it, the details gave a good face as a perfect girl, I loved the dots and the babadinhos White and pink gave a wonderful combination. I intend to make a white for my niece 02 years for her christening, I know she will look very elegant with. The crochet used is very easy this site is making available the graphics for you to follow and make this beautiful work of crochet pattern. How about learning easy with me on this site, just pay attention to the graphics that will do very well, I’m sure that if you give someone with this perfect baby dress they will fall in love with it. I met the crochet through a friend who also does beautiful work and I started to share these works in standard crochet and from there to here I am loving the crochet too much, because it helps me with depression and anxiety. Crochet helped me to develop my hand skill and today I have improved every day, so do not be scared with this beautiful work, because if you do not know much, slowly over time will be doing beautiful crochet pattern work. So do not waste time, start now to do this beautiful work perfect, this white dress and baby pink. Kisses and kisses

Here are shared graphics below for you to follow the points, if you follow will be able to make this beautiful baby dress, can do in other colors too, just use your creativity: